Monday, April 22, 2013

Update 2013

Well, here is an update from the shores of mighty Lake Ontario.  It seems that spring might actually get here soon.  In addition to some flowers and buds on the trees, the TrueGreen signs are popping up on the lawns in the neighborhood and the kids are asking to go outside in shorts.  

We have been keeping busy.  Max is working his way through 7th grade.  The early wake-ups aren't our favorite but we love his teacher and the school is great. He still attends Social Skills Group and Recreation Group at CDS.

Quinlan is our busy girl.  She is part of the 4th grade orchestra (viola) at school, the 4th grade chorus, the art club, K-Kids (future leaders with the Kiwanis Club) and Science Buddies (with students from University of Rochester) all in addition to dance and playing outside with her neighborhood friends.

Reilly is our little reader now.  She is tearing up the pages and enjoys reading to me.  She is doing well in math and has decided that recess is her favorite subject. She is outside playing with friends when she can and had her first sleep over at her friend Tori's house.

I'm holding down the fort.  I volunteer in the school library on Monday and Friday mornings, in 1st grade one Thursday a month and now with the Teacher Appreciation Week committee. I also try to be in the girl's classrooms for special events like gingerbread house decorating and Colonial Days.  In fact, in May I am going to be one of the parents on the 4th grade fishing outing.  Quinlan came home and said that she would like me to volunteer because I'm not afraid of the worms or hooks.  That is a good thing, right ?

We are gearing up for summer....camps, extended school year, and, of course, Keuka Lake.  The kids are talking about it all the time and can't wait to open Memorial Day (weather permitting).  I can't wait for the weather to, kind of, moderate.  It seems every day is different; hot / cold, wet/dry, windy/ not windy.....ok, wind is ALL the time.

Look for more pictures soon.  We will be busy with birthdays, the lake, dance recitals, Autism Fair, and the such. We'll also be putting a wedding on our calendar too (my niece is getting married).  

Drop us a line if you are ever up our way.  If not, we look forward to hearing from everyone soon.

Ann, Chris, Max, Quinlan & Reilly.

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