Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Quinlan at the State Road Science Fair 2012

 Quinlan and her friend, Karlie DePaull, entered their final State Road School Science Fair with a display of the life-cycle of frogs and toads.  They each received a participation medal and certificate.  We hope that our new elementary school, Schlegel Rd., will have a fair next year.  

yep, live tadpoles from the pond in our neighborhood.  Karlie and her Mom were kind enough to capture and keep them safe before the fair.  After, we let them go in the State Road pond where we hope they will grow big and strong........but we know that might not happen too.  Lots of people were "petting" them during the fair.

St. Patty's Day & the Rochester parade

 Here we are sitting on the back of the "crane" truck with some shingles getting ready to "step off".  Lakeside had two big trucks and a bunch of employees and their families riding along.  We made a day of it starting with breakfast at BayTowne Wegman's (bagels), lunch at our staging area waiting to go and a limo-bus ride there and back.  Mr. Burns provided all the fun decorations, beads and head-wear.  It was a beautiful, sunny, warm day - totally not typical for Rochester in March.  The rest of the pictures Chris took from our post.  They show just how big the crowd was.  They loved the air-horn blasts from the big trucks.  I said we would do it again next year, provided someone can guarantee the weather will be the same as this year. 

By the time this was taken Reilly was about done with the parade business.  She did smile and wave for a while.

Odds and Olds - 2012

 Reilly and her Kindergarten friend "Pal".  She got to bring him home and she,Quinlan and I took turns writing in his journal.  The next day Reilly got to tell the class all about their day together.

 Celebrating Grandpa Connor's birthday.  The white cake was coconut.  My kids thought it tasted awful.
They were very happy that there was chocolate cake too!

 Max and Reilly raid the Easter box for the bunny ears.........
..... And my little "bunnies" circa 2004.  Max and Quinlan.

Monday, April 2, 2012.  Lighting our house "blue" for Autism Awareness Day! 

Odds and Olds- December 2011

From our annual visit to Santa with the Canandaigua cousins, Mina, Will, Andee and Baby Tess. 
 Looks like they might get their wishes!  And they did.

Reilly shows off her first lost tooth.  The Tooth Fairy came to visit later that night.

Tim Reilly (my nephew), Chris and Nick Lang (my nephew) have a few beverages before the 
Bills vs. Titans game in Orchard Park.  

Reilly, Quinlan and cousin, Sydney Reilly, watch the opening of gifts at Susie & Barney's house on December 26th.  It was the Reilly family Christmas party. 

Jacob Croft (my nephew) and Reilly smile for Emily's camera at the Reilly Family Christmas Celebration.

Quinlan and Reilly smile for Em's camera on Christmas morning.  Santa left our presents at our house for when we got home on the 26th.  He even ate the cookies and drank the chocolate milk.

Reilly shows off her pink Webkin pony.  Exactly what she wanted from her cousin Rayme.

Max snuggles up with Susie & Barney's dog, Mia, after a hectic and exciting Christmas morning.

Max received a Thomas the Tank Engine pillow pet from Uncle Curt's family on Christmas Day.
  It is his favorite!