Friday, December 7, 2007

"You look faaabbbbuulllouuus"

I found this picture on my computer and thought it was so cute I needed to share/post it. These were some glasses that Quinlan got in one of her birthday presents. Unfortunately they didn't survive an hour with Reilly.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Yes the child is standing on the window sill. If you look closely you can see her Daddy standing right behind her...... but maybe this wasn't such a good idea because after he set her down, Reilly decided to try to climb up herself. She didn't get very far though, those little legs are just a little short for that type of climbing.

Snow Play

I finally found Reilly a teeny-tiny pair of snow boots and some little itty-bitty mittens (that were actually functional) so she could go outside and play with the big kids. She loved it. I'm not really sure what they are doing in Chris's truck, but they were outside and having fun and I guess that is all that counts. The snow didn't last very long which really disappointed them.

Connor kids

Here are Andee, Mina, Max, Will, Quinlan and Reilly in Canandaigua, NY after a visit with Santa. It isn't the easiest thing to get all 6 in a picture, standing still, smiling and looking at the camera - kinda like herding cats :)

"Who can turn the world on with her smile?"

Wearing Emily's coat and hat (which were barely warm enough)
Quinlan does her best Mary Tyler Moore imitation.

A Visit with Santa

We visited Uncle Curt and Aunt Mary's house in Canandaigua over the Thanksgiving weekend. While we were there we went to see Santa so all of the kids could tell him their wishes. It was a bit cold but at least Santa has some idea what to leave when he visits.

Thanksgiving at school

Max was a "Puritan man" (aka: Pilgrim) at the SJNRA 2nd grade Thanksgiving play. He did a great job! Quinlan and her friends from St. Luke Pre-School did songs, stories and had vegetable soup that they made themselves! After reading "Stone Soup" they decided to make a feast that everyone contributed to. Each child brought in a vegetable and got to cut it themselves. Daddy and Reilly enjoyed the day.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

"Auntie Em, Auntie Em"

Yes, this is really snow. In Williamsport. On November 18th. Nope, not upstate NY. Williamsport. We woke up to snow this morning and it has been snowing ever since. Max and Quinlan went out and played in it - it is pretty wet and sticky. Chris made an attempt at shoveling but I think he was too depressed about the fact it was snow in Williamsport, so he gave up. This I expect when we relocate upstate, but Williamsport??????? In November???? PUHHLEEZE.

Yes, that is a bucket on her head

Yes, that is a bucket on her head and, I swear, she put it there all by herself. I'm just glad it didn't fall over her eyes or she probably would have walked right into the wall. Everything goes on her head...... buckets, hats, plates, Mommy's headbands, socks.

"Who's that kid with the Oreo cookie?"

Here is our little cookie monster devouring her first Oreo. If the amount of food on her face is any indication of how much she liked it then it must have been "DELICIOUS"! Now, whenever Max is eating an Oreo, Reilly thinks she needs one too!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Fun

Here is Quinlan, as Red Riding Hood (thank you Aunt Susie and Emily and Aunt Min), with her pre-school friends. It was a little cold and foggy this morning but the Halloween Parade went off without a hitch.

Here is Reilly, as a lion, with her bff Lucy. Mommy forgot Reilly's shoes so she was running around in her socks. She had a ball though. She wore the costume almost the entire day without issue and everyone thought she was just the cutest little thing (which, of course, she was).

After lunch it was off to St. John Neumann Regional Academy for Max's parade. He made a great Buzz Lightyear ("To infinity and beyond"!). By that time the sun was out and his heavy plastic costume got to be a little warm. After his parade we all had treats in the "gymacafetorium".

Here are our little trick or treaters. We went to about a dozen houses in our neighborhood. EvieLyn was nice enough to hand out candy at our house so we could all go together. After about 5 houses, Max decided he was done and ready to go home. That was ok, Daddy was tired of carrying Reilly anyway. But we have a lot of candy to share. I already ate the sugar babies. I didn't even know they still made them :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quinlan celebrates at school

Quinlan also celebrated her birthday with her pre-school friends. She got to be "line leader" and got to bring in the snack of her choice. She and her classmates enjoyed ice cream with rainbow sprinkles AND Quinlan got a birthday crown.

Quinlan turns 5!!

Can you believe it?? Miss Quinlan is 5 years old. We celebrated her birthday with her friends on Saturday, October 20th. She had a Barbie-themed birthday but I was afraid that that cake wouldn't be enough so we had brownie too. She received some wonderful gifts and enjoys playing with all of them.

Fun with food!

What can I say???? She would rather wear her food than eat it. This WAS an M&M.

Fun in the leaves

Reilly, Quinlan and Max play in a pile of leaves. The leaves have been gorgeous around here lately, especially with the warm and sunny days we have had. Now that it is raining they won't last long.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Here is Reilly. She is 15 months old now. She runs on her toes, drinks from a sippy and likes to play with her brother's and sister's toys. Here she is on the "banana bike" - which is very, very old. I'm not sure where or who it came from but she can make it go......... backwards.

More fall fun - with pumpkins

Quinlan and Daddy went, with Quinlan's Pre-school friends, to Styer's Pumpkin Patch where they went on a hay ride, picked out a pumpkin and saw farm animals.

Max shows Reilly the pumpkin he picked out at our church "pumpkin patch" which benefits the youth group.

At the church patch Quinlan and Max had their faces painted too!

Fall Fun

We went to Susie & Barney's house for dinner on Saturday, October 13th. Reilly made a new friend (Rocky the dog - she was sooooo excited) and Quinlan did too! Emily would like to be a princess when she grows up too!

spaghetti - yummy!

Miss Reilly likes her spaghetti. She likes eating it AND wearing it. Lately, she has been putting everything in her hair. Some of the food acts as a "styling gel" with amazing hold.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More Sprinkler Pictures

Here are more pictures of children in the sprinkler. This time Reilly got to play too! The water was pretty cold but they ran through it anyway!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Isn't it supposed to be fall?

It was a pretty hot day and Quinlan asked her Daddy if they could play in the sprinkler. He set it up in the front yard and she and Max played for a long time. I took this picture through the big window in the dining/toy room. I thought it was cute.
I don't let them use the Bob the Builder umbrella when it is raining for real because "it is all fun and games until somebody gets an eye poked out" and my kids would be sure to poke each other's eyes out with it.

Isn't it supposed to be fall -part 2?

Here are a couple of pictures of the kids outside playing.

Max plays chauffer for the girls and if he drives a car like he drives his tractor (he rolls down the driveway and into the backyard without using the brakes and then pushes the tractor and wagon over the bank into the woods where it rolls down the hill toward the stream at the very bottom. "thanks Dad for getting it out for me") we are going to be in big trouble in 8 years or so.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

2nd Grade

It hardly seems possible but Max started 2nd grade last week at St. John Neumann Regional Academy. He likes his teacher, Mrs. Harbaugh and his favorite subject is lunch!

Reilly's learning new things!


Getting in and out of Poppy's little rocking chair - and the ones at home!

"This is fun - sittin' in a plastic basket!"

Reilly is stylin' in her hat - if only she could put it on herself!

At Poppy's Lake

In the pool

Max has really learned to swim this year - he's a regular "fish"!