Friday, December 7, 2007

"You look faaabbbbuulllouuus"

I found this picture on my computer and thought it was so cute I needed to share/post it. These were some glasses that Quinlan got in one of her birthday presents. Unfortunately they didn't survive an hour with Reilly.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Yes the child is standing on the window sill. If you look closely you can see her Daddy standing right behind her...... but maybe this wasn't such a good idea because after he set her down, Reilly decided to try to climb up herself. She didn't get very far though, those little legs are just a little short for that type of climbing.

Snow Play

I finally found Reilly a teeny-tiny pair of snow boots and some little itty-bitty mittens (that were actually functional) so she could go outside and play with the big kids. She loved it. I'm not really sure what they are doing in Chris's truck, but they were outside and having fun and I guess that is all that counts. The snow didn't last very long which really disappointed them.

Connor kids

Here are Andee, Mina, Max, Will, Quinlan and Reilly in Canandaigua, NY after a visit with Santa. It isn't the easiest thing to get all 6 in a picture, standing still, smiling and looking at the camera - kinda like herding cats :)

"Who can turn the world on with her smile?"

Wearing Emily's coat and hat (which were barely warm enough)
Quinlan does her best Mary Tyler Moore imitation.

A Visit with Santa

We visited Uncle Curt and Aunt Mary's house in Canandaigua over the Thanksgiving weekend. While we were there we went to see Santa so all of the kids could tell him their wishes. It was a bit cold but at least Santa has some idea what to leave when he visits.

Thanksgiving at school

Max was a "Puritan man" (aka: Pilgrim) at the SJNRA 2nd grade Thanksgiving play. He did a great job! Quinlan and her friends from St. Luke Pre-School did songs, stories and had vegetable soup that they made themselves! After reading "Stone Soup" they decided to make a feast that everyone contributed to. Each child brought in a vegetable and got to cut it themselves. Daddy and Reilly enjoyed the day.