Well, I loaded the pictures backwards, or upside down, or anyway they are out of order. Quinlan had a Cupcake celebration party with some friends on Saturday, October 23rd. We had pizza and wings for lunch and a "big top" cupcake cake. Then the girls and Max (with Grandma Connor helping out) each got some cupcakes to decorate themselves! I put out white and chocolate frosting and a bunch of sugars, sprinkles and cake decorations. They were definitely works of art. After, Quinlan's friends boxed up their creations and took them home. A great time was had by all and of course, Quinlan got some great gifts. Here are the finished products.

Megan Wade and Lilah Hann were NOT supposed to be licking their fingers while they decorated. Obviously, they listen really well. NOT.

L to R: Reilly, Lilah, Quinlan, Ryan Springer, Megan Wade, Max and Megan Springer.

It tasted good too.

On Friday, October 22nd, her actual birthday, Chris, Reilly and I took McDonald's lunch to school to have with Quinlan and 2 of her friends and then with Max. That night we had homemade lasagna and brownie cookie-cake. Max is wearing his 5th grade shirt with his name on it. Can you believe he is the class of 2018?