Yes, this is really snow. In Williamsport. On November 18th. Nope, not upstate NY. Williamsport. We woke up to snow this morning and it has been snowing ever since. Max and Quinlan went out and played in it - it is pretty wet and sticky. Chris made an attempt at shoveling but I think he was too depressed about the fact it was snow in Williamsport, so he gave up. This I expect when we relocate upstate, but Williamsport??????? In November???? PUHHLEEZE.
Yes, that is a bucket on her head and, I swear, she put it there all by herself. I'm just glad it didn't fall over her eyes or she probably would have walked right into the wall. Everything goes on her head...... buckets, hats, plates, Mommy's headbands, socks.
Here is our little cookie monster devouring her first Oreo. If the amount of food on her face is any indication of how much she liked it then it must have been "DELICIOUS"! Now, whenever Max is eating an Oreo, Reilly thinks she needs one too!